Since many people watch the Super Bowl not just for its amazing showmanship in athleticism, but for its unique advertisements, I find it fitting to write about one which received quite a few laughs among my friends and I.
The company Doritos submitted many commercials in between the football game of he Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints. The Saints of course won the game if you are unaware. The one which I would like to embark upon portrayed a young African American boy, his mother, and her date for the night. A scene from this very commercial is shown below.

Here the little boy is scolding the man giving him fierce rules/instructions.
The intense scene in the short commercial trying to sell Doritos chips is at the end of the ad. The little boy watches the man check out his mom as she walks away. The man sits down eats a chip and picks up game controller when the little boy slaps him in the face and says, “Put it back! You keep you hands off my momma; you keep your hands off my Doritos!”
This creates a lasting impression on the audience generating rolls of laughter. A message that the commercial gives is" Do not go taking other people's Doritos because they love them too much for you to take any; instead you should go buy your own.
I identify with this object as a member of society who is on the go a lot. Being on the go I often need a snack because I cannot get to a meal. They are fast, easy and convenient, and also taste good. When I was younger I used to eat these chips all of the time literally. I probably had a large bag every week all by myself. My sister and I would beg my mom to buy them every time we went to the grocery store with her. I think my mom hated bringing us to the store because she always spent more than she wanted when she brought us along. We were a tough team and when combined we could be pretty unstoppable forces. I think this add appealed to my younger days as a child and brought some old memories to the surface that I had not given much thought about in a long time.
Also, when I was younger I was very much like the little boy for the fact that I did not want to share anything. If I had food it was mine (literally). I would throw a big fit for no reason other than I did not want you to take my food.
I think in a way it could represent me (or women for that matter), but feel that it was more so targeted towards men. It targets men with the use of sex appeal of the female woman. It could represent me for the fact that as a woman, or mom, your son would stand up for you. Mom's love this fact about their sons by not wanting some guy to harm you. But showing the man checking out the woman could offend some proper women who feel that is offensive (not including myself).
I chose this item because I really liked the commercial. Being a huge football fan I watched the Super Bowl and this was one of my favorite (and school appropriate) commercials. I think it represents me because I have a very good sense of humor, and love the way the little boy just slaps and yells at the man. The little boy in the commercial really reminds me of my best friend’s son who is nearing that age. He has quite the little attitude that you just cannot help but laugh at, same as in the commercial. Also it helps remind me to stay humorous and not take everything too seriously because I want to live a more carefree life. I think the commercial does a good job with this.
I think that the commercial does a good job of persuading its audience because many people will be talking about this commercial for days and weeks to come. Thus indicating that they haven’t forgotten about it. Also knowing how much these companies have to pay to have their commercials aired during this prime time event, there must be some good evidence showing that it pays off. Otherwise they would not spend so frivolously year after year on these commercials.
I think that this company does a good job of catching the audience's attention by their use of bright color and modernism. They also give it a movie appeal and a comedy aspect which many people enjoy. The irony of the little boy's cuteness is also a huge factor because it is so funny how he talks back to the adult the way does. Common ground is found with the audience by creating a scenario which many people are familiar with. There are many single moms out there who try dating and at some point or another they introduce the man they are going out with. Depending on the situation and the child this can sometimes be a difficult task.
The juxtapostion of the little boy back-talking and the emotional response of laughter are both captured by this visual argument over the Doritos. They also use their own icon of the Doritos symbol and chips that most people can associate with.
I think with all of these arguments taken into consideration that Doritos did a good job in convincing people to buy Doritos. They connected with the audience and threw in humor for an added appeal.